Double Take Quilt-Along - Assembly

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Now that you have all the blocks pieced, assembly is a breeze. The assembly of the quilt can be broken down into four rows:

For each row assembly, you just alternate the burgundy centered squares with the white centered squares paying attention to the orientation of the white centered squares as shown above. Make (4) of each ROW1, ROW2 and ROW3. Make only (3) of ROW4. If you followed my instructions for ironing the seams to one side (under the darkest fabric), you should find it easy, where required, to butt up the seams of the blocks:

When assembling each row, I matched the orientation of the burgundy centered blocks with the orientation of the white centered blocks:

Odd Rows

Even Rows
Always iron the seams towards the darker fabric, away from the white fabric.

When all the rows are assembled, sew them together ROW1, ROW2, ROW3, ROW4, ROW1, etc. until you have no rows left. Note that you should end with ROW3 since you only made (3) of ROW4. Your finished top should look like this:

Next week....quilting!

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